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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001477PacketFenceupstreampublic2012-06-27 22:502012-10-19 11:42
Assigned Tofgaudreault 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001477: potential problem in Config::IniFiles for RHEL / CentOS 5
DescriptionLearned about this while following a RHEL bug related to 0001461:


Perl module Config::IniFiles was updated in CentOS 5.8 to version 2.72. This new version uses a new dependency: List::MoreUtils.

It seems Config::IniFiles 2.72 is not compatible with List::MoreUtils 0.22 (the verison in EPEL). It works fine with List::MoreUtils 0.33. [^]


At this moment I'm unsure if it affects us but I would expect it to. Pressure on upstream should be applied or even better helping them (bumping a package is trivial).
TagsNo tags attached.
fixed in git revision
fixed in mtn revision
Attached Files

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-  Notes
obilodeau (reporter)
2012-06-30 08:17
edited on: 2012-06-30 08:22

upstream issue was updated. A new package is provided in EPEL: [^]

However another related bug is still open: [^]

Will need to test and see if the newly updated package is enough. Check the 828251 issue to know what to look for. If still problematic, we should apply pressure on the ticket.

fgaudreault (viewer)
2012-10-19 11:42

Upstream says bug fixed.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-06-27 22:50 obilodeau New Issue
2012-06-30 08:17 obilodeau Note Added: 0002822
2012-06-30 08:22 obilodeau Note Edited: 0002822
2012-10-19 11:42 fgaudreault Note Added: 0003138
2012-10-19 11:42 fgaudreault Status new => resolved
2012-10-19 11:42 fgaudreault Resolution open => fixed
2012-10-19 11:42 fgaudreault Assigned To => fgaudreault
2012-10-19 11:42 fgaudreault Status resolved => closed

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