PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001492PacketFencecaptive portalpublic2012-07-19 16:562012-08-06 16:43
normalfeaturehave not tried
0001492: Maximum number of register devices - Offer unreg option
When a user registers a device, if he has already registered 3 devices and the limit is set to 3 and he's about to register a 4th one, we only tell the user he can't do it because he reached the maximum number of registered devices.

What would be nice is, after making sure the username/password is valid, to show the user the list of devices he can actually unregister. That could happen for example when one changes laptop or cellphone. We could show a list similar to this:

MAC OS fingerprint Reg date
[aa:bb:cc:dd] [Android Phone] [13/06/2011] [ UNREGISTER ]
[ee:bb:cc:dd] [Windows 7] [15/07/2010] [ UNREGISTER ]
[ff:ee:cc:dd] [Apple iPad] [19/04/2012] [ UNREGISTER ]

At this point, the user would have to unregister a device to complete his registration process.

We could extend this for SMS-based registration. For example, we could one the user types back the PIN, present the same page mentioned above.

We could also extend this for email-based registration. For example, when the user opens the link in the email, that page could be presented before the registration process completes.
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Issue History
2012-07-19 16:56ludovicNew Issue
2012-08-06 16:43obilodeauNote Added: 0002886
2012-08-06 16:43obilodeauStatusnew => acknowledged
2012-08-06 16:43obilodeauTarget Version => +2

2012-08-06 16:43   
great idea !