PacketFence - BTS - PacketFence
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0001475PacketFencecorepublic2012-06-21 10:462012-07-19 11:09
0001475: Refactor the Bandwidth accounting violation process
Instead of using sliding window, we should be more precise in the way we calculate the time interval for the bandwidth usage.

If I define a violation to trap user that are doing more than 20GB/month of bandwidth transfer. Say I hit that limit after 3 days. It should block the user until day 1 of next month if auto-enable if disabled or if auto-enable is enabled, it should start the bandwidth calculation from the violation release date instead of the beginning of the month for the next violation.
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related to 0001474closed fgaudreault Release Date should be added automatically when closing a violation if nothing is specified in the field 
related to 0001476resolved fgaudreault Close violation when release_date is reached 
Issue History
2012-06-21 10:46fgaudreaultNew Issue
2012-06-21 10:46fgaudreaultRelationship addedrelated to 0001474
2012-06-21 10:57fgaudreaultRelationship addedrelated to 0001476
2012-07-19 11:09fgaudreaultNote Added: 0002846
2012-07-19 11:09fgaudreaultStatusnew => resolved
2012-07-19 11:09fgaudreaultResolutionopen => fixed
2012-07-19 11:09fgaudreaultAssigned To => fgaudreault

2012-07-19 11:09   
Fixed in acct_violations branch. Will be merged shortly.