package pf::SNMP::Dlink; =head1 NAME pf::SNMP::Dlink - Object oriented module to access SNMP enabled Dlink switches =head1 SYNOPSIS The pf::SNMP::Dlink module implements an object oriented interface to access SNMP enabled Dlink switches. =cut use strict; use warnings; use base ('pf::SNMP'); use Net::SNMP; use Log::Log4perl; use pf::SNMP::constants; use pf::util; sub getVersion { my ($this) = @_; my $oid_swDlinkEquipmentCapacitySwVersion = ''; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return ''; } $logger->trace( "SNMP get_request for oid_swDlinkEquipmentCapacitySwVersion: $oid_swDlinkEquipmentCapacitySwVersion" ); my $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_request( -varbindlist => [$oid_swDlinkEquipmentCapacitySwVersion] ); my $runtimeSwVersion = ( $result->{$oid_swDlinkEquipmentCapacitySwVersion} || '' ); return $runtimeSwVersion; } sub parseTrap { my ( $this, $trapString ) = @_; my $trapHashRef; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( $trapString =~ /BEGIN VARIABLEBINDINGS [^|]+[|]\.1\.3\.6\.1\.6\.3\.1\.1\.4\.1\.0 = OID: \.1\.3\.6\.1\.6\.3\.1\.1\.5\.([34])\|.[0-9]+)/ ) { $trapHashRef->{'trapType'} = ( ( $1 == 3 ) ? "down" : "up" ); $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} = $2; # Trap format augmented by [12] in some OIDs to support DES 3550 } elsif ( $trapString # =~ /BEGIN VARIABLEBINDINGS [^|]+[|]\.1\.3\.6\.1\.6\.3\.1\.1\.4\.1\.0 = OID: \.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.171\.11\.64\.[12]\.2\.15\.0\.3\|\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.171\.11\.64\.[12]\.2\.15\.1 = Hex-STRING: ([0-9A-Z]{2}) ([0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2}) ([0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2}) ([0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2})/ =~ /BEGIN VARIABLEBINDINGS [^|]+[|]\.1\.3\.6\.1\.6\.3\.1\.1\.4\.1\.0 = OID: \.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.171\.11\.64\.[12]\.2\.15\.2\.0\.2\|\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.171\.11\.64\.[12]\.2\.14\.1\.1\.1\.1 = INTEGER: 1\|\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.171\.11\.64\.1\.2\.15\.2\.1 = Hex-STRING: ([0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2} [0-9A-Z]{2})/ ) { $trapHashRef->{'trapType'} = 'mac'; if ( $1 == 1 ) { $trapHashRef->{'trapOperation'} = 'learnt'; } elsif ( $1 == 2 ) { $trapHashRef->{'trapOperation'} = 'removed'; } else { $trapHashRef->{'trapOperation'} = 'unknown'; } $trapHashRef->{'trapMac'} = lc($2); $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} = $4; $trapHashRef->{'trapMac'} =~ s/ /:/g; $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} =~ s/ //g; $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} = hex( $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} ); $trapHashRef->{'trapVlan'} = $this->getVlan( $trapHashRef->{'trapIfIndex'} ); } elsif ($trapString =~ /[|]\.1\.3\.6\.1\.6\.3\.1\.1\.4\.1\.0 = OID: \.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.171\.10\.73\.30\.13\.22[|]\.1\.3\.6\.1\.4\.1\.171\.10\.73\.30\.9\.1\.1\.1 = $SNMP::MAC_ADDRESS_FORMAT/) { $trapHashRef->{'trapType'} = 'dot11Deauthentication'; $trapHashRef->{'trapMac'} = parse_mac_from_trap($1); } else { $logger->debug("trap currently not handled"); $trapHashRef->{'trapType'} = 'unknown'; } return $trapHashRef; } sub _setVlan { my ( $this, $ifIndex, $newVlan, $oldVlan, $switch_locker_ref ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); if ( !$this->connectRead() ) { return 0; } my $OID_dot1qPvid = ''; # Q-BRIDGE-MIB my $OID_dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts = ''; # Q-BRIDGE-MIB my $OID_dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts = ''; # Q-BRIDGE-MIB my $result; my $dot1dBasePort = $this->getDot1dBasePortForThisIfIndex($ifIndex); if ( !defined($dot1dBasePort) ) { return 0; } $logger->trace( "locking - trying to lock \$switch_locker{" . $this->{_ip} . "} in _setVlan" ); { lock %{ $switch_locker_ref->{ $this->{_ip} } }; $logger->trace( "locking - \$switch_locker{" . $this->{_ip} . "} locked in _setVlan" ); # get current egress and untagged ports $this->{_sessionRead}->translate(0); $logger->trace( "SNMP get_request for dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts and dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts" ); $result = $this->{_sessionRead}->get_request( -varbindlist => [ "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts.$oldVlan", "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts.$newVlan", "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts.$oldVlan", "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts.$newVlan" ] ); # calculate new settings my $egressPortsOldVlan = $this->modifyBitmask( $result->{"$OID_dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts.$oldVlan"}, $ifIndex - 1, 0 ); my $egressPortsVlan = $this->modifyBitmask( $result->{"$OID_dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts.$newVlan"}, $ifIndex - 1, 1 ); my $untaggedPortsOldVlan = $this->modifyBitmask( $result->{"$OID_dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts.$oldVlan"}, $ifIndex - 1, 0 ); my $untaggedPortsVlan = $this->modifyBitmask( $result->{"$OID_dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts.$newVlan"}, $ifIndex - 1, 1 ); $this->{_sessionRead}->translate(1); # set all values if ( !$this->connectWrite() ) { return 0; } $logger->trace( "SNMP set_request for dot1qPvid, dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts and dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts" ); $result = $this->{_sessionWrite}->set_request( -varbindlist => [ "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts.$oldVlan", Net::SNMP::OCTET_STRING, $untaggedPortsOldVlan, "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts.$oldVlan", Net::SNMP::OCTET_STRING, $egressPortsOldVlan, "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticEgressPorts.$newVlan", Net::SNMP::OCTET_STRING, $egressPortsVlan, "$OID_dot1qVlanStaticUntaggedPorts.$newVlan", Net::SNMP::OCTET_STRING, $untaggedPortsVlan ] ); if ( !defined($result) ) { $logger->error( "error setting VLAN: " . $this->{_sessionWrite}->error ); } } $logger->trace( "locking - \$switch_locker{" . $this->{_ip} . "} unlocked in _setVlan" ); return ( defined($result) ); } sub isLearntTrapsEnabled { my ( $this, $ifIndex ) = @_; my $logger = Log::Log4perl::get_logger( ref($this) ); return 1; } =head1 AUTHOR Treker Chen =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2008 Treker Chen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. =cut 1; # vim: set shiftwidth=4: # vim: set expandtab: # vim: set backspace=indent,eol,start: